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Beauty Routine

Since I've descovered the Alverde products from DM, I'm in love with them! I love especially the shower products and body lotions, but all Alverde products are amazing.

Today I want to speak about some of my favorite Alverde products, that I use daily.

The shower lotion with mint and bergamot is by far my favorite! With a nice, lovely smell, leaves the skin smooth and with a soft, discreet scent.

It's perfect for the summer (as you can read on the label) and it's very refreshing. I always feel good and happy after I shower with these shower lotion.

I also like the shampoon - A LOT! Made with nettle and lemon balm, it's for greasy hair. It's the first shampoo that I try and don't dires my head skin, causing dandruff. It also smells good and cleans the hair, so I totally love it!

Of course, I don't use the shampoo daily, but every 3 or 4 days I do and these one it does it's job amazingly.

Other two products that I like, are the body lotion with ginger and the deodorant with lime and sage.

In fact, with these body lotion I've descovered the Alverde products and fell in love with them. I have a very-very dry skin and it's hard for me to find a product that moisturizes my skin. But these lotion, is grate. Made with ginger and linden, it smells incredible, it's quite fluide and it is easily absorbed in to the skin (I always like when a product does these!).

The skin is smooth and very well hidrated, with a nice, fresh smell all day. It's imposible not to love these lotion!

The deo has an incredible smell, does not leaves marks on to the clothes and I love the sensation when you apply it. However, the protection is not high. I woul say that it is low to medium. But if you don't sweat a lot, I would recommend it. I like it (but not when I make sport).

Speaking about sport, after an hour of intense exercises, a little massage is just what you (I) need. And the Alverde oil with marigold is the best ( I also use it as anticelulitic massage oil).

Made with sesam, olive and jojoba oil and marigold, it's an excelent oil for dry skin and tired muscles.

I like to massage my legs about 15-20 min/day (when I have time) and from all products I've tried, I find these oil the best.

With a fresh, citric smell, it's easily absorbed into the skin, leaving it very very smooth.

I would love to try other Alverde products as well, in fact I have already some others in mind...

I'm very happy that I've descovered these brand from DM! My skin just love them and so do I.


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