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Se afișează postări din noiembrie, 2020

Soarec Mic editura Gama

  Astazi vreau sa va vorbesc despre o cartitica pentru cei mici, cumparata acum cateva luni si despre care desi am tot zis sa scriu, nu stiu de ce dar am tot amanat... Cartea face parte din colectia "BeDe Citit Usor", este scrisa de Jeff Smith si se poate gasi la Editura Gama (acum si la pret redus). Jeff Smith este un caricaturist de origine americana, fiind cunoscut ca realizator de benzi desenate. In aceasta carte insa, l-a creionat pe Soarec Mic, carticica si poveste dedicata cititorilor incepatori. Cartea aduce a revista de benzi desenate, personajele au replici scurte, ceea ce o face extrem de usor de citit, dar si extrem de atragatoare (desene viu colorate, amuzante etc.). Prin cititor incepator se intelege clasa pregatitoare (clasa 0) si clasa I si dupa cum puteti vedea si in imaginea de mai sus, nu exista replici multe sau extrem de sofisticate pe pagina.  Soarec Mic se pregateste ilustreaza micile provocari ale vietii de zi cu zi, cum ar fi incaltatul si imbracatul,...

Review Happiness is a fox by Evelina Daciute & Ausra Kiudulaite

  Happiness is a fox is a book for children, writted by two writers of Lithuanian origin. The book was published in Romania by/at the Publishing House Cartemma, at the price of 45 lei (aprox. 10 euros). Is a nice book, very beautifully illustrated, with colourful drawings, perfect for children. The main subject is friendship  and happiness, and the importance of it. Is a book about the importance of feelings.  To sum up, is a sensitive story about dreams, friendship and happiness. Paul is the main character of the story, a little boy that lives in a big city... but in a very strange house...  And one day, Paul meets a fox and they become friends.  But as life turns out to be so many times, Paul needs to move and leave behind his house, his friends and every thing he knows. Is very hard for Paul to say good-bye to his fox friend and move to another city with his familly. And althought Paul has a park in his new city, he is very sad that his friend is not there wi...

Kiko Cosmetics Review

  When it comes to cosmetics and beauty products, I have some brands that I absolutely love - and Kiko is one of them! Today I will share with you two of my favorite products from these brand:  Invisible Touch Face Powder  and  Long Lasting Colour Lip Marker ! I've descovered Kiko Cosmetics some years ago (more than 10) and since then I totally love it! I'm quite sad that we can't find a Kiko store in Romania, but at least we can order (the online store having the optin to deliver in our country). So, if you also like Kiko you can buy it online... I know is not the same thing, but is better than nothing! So, about the lip marker - you can find these produc in 8 colours (from nudes to red) and if you haven't guess yet, my favorite is red (no. 105 True red)!  And I like these lip marker so much that I have bought two pieces (in the same colour!!!) When I will be rich, maybe I will buy all 8 colours, who knows?! Is a long lasting lip marker, easy to applie on lips ...

Book review The Woman in the Mirror by Rebecca James

  I have to admit that the cover of these book made my buy it! But I don't regret it, because is a quite good one.  Rebecca James is a writer of young adult fiction from Australia and among his books is also The Woman in the Mirror. Other books writed by Rebecca are: Beautiful Malice, Sweet Damage and Cooper Bartholomew is dead etc. In Romania you can find in libraries Femeia din oglinda si Adevarul despre fete . The Woman in the Mirror is a book for teenagers, quite dark, but not pretentious. Is very easy to read and fallow, but I can say that I have found it special.  Somehow it seems (to me) that gathers several other stories together (or cliches): of the governess that falls in love with the widowed master, typical English asylums (in which the woman that wore undesirable were taken), a sad love story...  A nice book, that makes you want to read it, but somehow is not spectacular. I really liked that the story is "built" on two levels, past and present and the i...