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Se afișează postări din octombrie, 2020

Lip Oil Battle Trend It Up vs. Kiehl's

  Acum mai bine de un an am primit de la cei de la Kiehl's o mostra cu uleiul lor de buze si mi-a placut foarte-foarte mult! De atunci mi-am tot stors capul daca sa imi cumpar si varianta full-size, asa ca pana la urma, in urma cu 2-3 luni l-am cumparat. Am asteptat cu mare nerabdare sa il primesc, doar ca, de data asta nu prea m-a mai dat pe spate. Din cate imi aminteam eu, mostra primita colora buzele, oferea un rosu placut, nici prea intens, nici prea discret. Doar ca varianta full-size nu mai face toate astea... Recunosc ca am fost dezamagita, pentru ca mi-ar fi placut sa fie pigmentat. E adevarat, la capitolul hidratare si luciu este foarte bun, dar parca fara culoare nu are farmec. E drept ca in anuntul lor scrie ca "ofera buzelor o stralucire naturala", dar un strop de culoare nu strica, mai ales ca din cate tineam eu minte mostra era destul de pigmentata. Love oil for lips de la  Kiehl's spune ca "hidrateaza si hraneste buzele, are o formula lejera si con...

Book review Three Days by Anders Roslund

  Anders Roslund is a Swedish writer, specialized in police novels and also an investigative journalist.  He was wrote numeros books, such as: 3 Minutes, Pen 33, Three Hours, Cell 8 etc.  His books are highly valued in Sweeden, but also internationally.  At the moment, both in Hollywood and in Europe, is working on films and TV series inspired by Anders Roslund books. Three Days is a complex story about revenge and love. The story is built on three levels (from the perspective of three different characters) and over several time intervals; the alternation between present and past is making the action of the book extremly engaging- my kind of book! Five candles on a birth day cake and a little girl that's just turning five... 5 family members of which only one survives. An old police detectiv on the verge of retirement and an offender that's now on the good side... There's nothing you could think at that can bind all these characters and yet their destinies are someho...

Book review Dear Edward by Ann Napolitano

  Dear Edward (2020) is writted by Ann Napolitano, an american writer.  As Ann Napolitano stated, the novel was inspired by real life events- to by more specific The Flight 771 on May 21, 2010, in which 105 passangers and crew died, except a 9 year old boy. Dear Edward tell the story of a 12 year old boy, the only surviver of a plane crush- he lost his parents and brother in that crush and now he is raised by his uncle and aunt. As you can see in the photo of the book, it was spring when I have read it, but some how I just didn't find the right moment to write about it...  It's a sad story, which arouses strong emotions and it's quite hard to speak about it and Edward after you finish reading it. Ann Napolitano was kind with the charachter which she "build", giving a happy ending to the story. In real life I'm just not that sure that "Edward" could have recovered after such an enormous trauma. Edward is struggling with the thoughts of being the only ...

Kaleidoscope by Kaleidolove

  Copilaria mea este strans legata de aceste "jucarii" numite caleidoscop. Nu cred ca aveam mai mult de 4 sau 5 ani cand o matusa din Galati ne-a adus verisorului meu si mie cate un caleidoscop. Din clipa in care l-am dus la ochi si am vazut multitudinea de forme si culori din interiorului tubului acela banal, am ramas fermecata. Anii au trecut si caleidoscopul s-a pierdut printre toate mutarile mele - dar gandul tot la el mi-a ramas. Asta pana acum cateva luni (mai exact in pandemie) cand am dat de  KaleidoLove  pe internet si mi-am zis ca e timpul pentru un nou caleidoscop. Spre deosebire de primul avut, de aceasta data am avut ocazia sa aleg ce model imi doresc, combinatia de culori, pietricelele din interiorul tubului - iar rezultatul finit arata asa! Ador imprimeul de pe tubul caleidoscopului, culorile pastel si florile fiind preferatele mele. Spre deosebire de primul caleidoscop, care era mult mai simplist, cu un imprimeu portocaliu cu patratele, acesta este mult ma...